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We've searched everywhere for the toughest, most durable fabric we could find. The Waxed Canvas Collection looks more vintage as you use it. Each crease leaves a mark, telling the story of every adventure you take your chalk bag on. These bags are sturdier and is less likely to tip over than your average bag because of the wax coating and design.
- Material: Waxed Canvas fabric (vegan)
- Height: 7"
- Diameter: 4.5"
- Type 275 Paracord® Drawstring
- UV Resistant & Waterproof belt loops
- Inside: Canvas to Anti-Pill Fleece Lining
Paracord® that won't slip out under the chalk bag
Inside is a canvas top that flows into a protected soft anti-pill fleece lining. Even when you run out of chalk, let's face it we all do at some point, you'll still have some left in the absorbent fleece
Larger than the standard size gives you more room to chalk up
Lifetime Warranty
Handmade in San Diego, California