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Made Using Genuine USA Pendleton® wool
Everything we create is inspired by the places we go, things we see, and friends we meet along the way. Each bag is handmade down to the last stitch to give you the most durable, functional, and unique chalk bag. It's in the small details that make ΔSTΛTIC stand out from the rest.
Paracord® that won't slip out under the chalk bag
Inside is a canvas top that flows into a protected soft anti-pill fleece lining. Even when you run out of chalk, let's face it we all do at some point, you'll still have some left in the absorbent fleece
Larger than the standard size gives you more room to chalk up
Infused with USDA Organic Local San Diego Lavender
Handmade in San Diego, California
Disclaimer: All of our bags are carefully handmade so no two are exactly alike. There will be slight variations due to multiple sections of different patterns which enhance the bags uniqueness.